Installing the Anaconda Python distribution on an air-gapped (i.e., non-networked) computer is possible but not trivial. These steps worked for me. 1. Create a local environment under Anaconda that contains the desired packages $ conda create --name myenv python=3.6.7 $ conda activate myenv $ conda install pillow pip Choice…
TL;DR Attach the physio devices, switch on physio recording in the CMRR Multiband EPI Sequences Sequence/Special card by selecting DICOM from the drop-down menu, record your EPI data, and enjoy. Introduction Physiological signals such as heart rate and respiration can influence the fMRI BOLD signal (more below), so…
My wife and I were pleased to attend the AFNI Bootcamp held in Lincoln, Nebraska a couple of weeks ago, and I'll write more about that elsewhere. For now, I'll just provide some notes on hardware and software for prospective campers. Hardware I wanted to run AFNI natively under Linux…
Just a quick note to indicate that I'm taking a hiatus from new peer-reviewing activity for the remainder of 2016. My peer-review burden has been substantial so far this year, and I need to reserve some time for my own professional writing. I look forward to resuming normal peer-review activity…
I'm currently seeking well qualified, highly motivated applicants for a research assistant position in my lab at UNMC in Omaha, NE. For more information, visit Looking forward to interviewing some exceptional people!…